The Fr. Wasson Legacy Endowment Inc. (FWLEI), a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Tax ID # 2005679, was founded in 1995 to help provide long term financial stability for the home and programs of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH)
The Endowment consists of a diversified portfolio of equity, fixed income assets, and cash, governed by an independent board of directors and professionally managed by Fiducient Advisors
Through the generosity of donors and strong market returns, the FWLEI portfolio has grown from approximately $1 million in 2001, to approximately $20 million today
Each year, the Endowment makes a distribution to NPH USA which is passed to NPHI in support of the work of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos
Stimulated by the growth of the portfolio in recent years, the distribution to NPH has consistently increased, with the 2021 distribution being just over $900,000.
The FWLEI is an excellent vehicle to support the work of NPH via legacy and estate gifts or annual contributions.
To learn more about the work of the Fr. Wasson Legacy Endowment or, if you’d like to consider making an estate gift to the endowment, please contact Chuck Allworth at callworth@nphusa.org
A Message from the President
Fr. Wasson Legacy Endowment, Inc.

Nellie Johnson
As the outgoing President of the Fr. Wasson Legacy Endowment (FWLEI), I am so pleased to share our recent results with you.

Personally, having served on each of the “Big 3” NPH Boards – as a founding member of the NPH International Board, a two-term member of the National Board of NPH USA, and now finishing my term as President of the Endowment Board—there is nothing that gives me more hope for the financial future of our organization than the work of the FWLEI.
2021 has been a busy and productive year for the board as we transitioned to a new Investment Manager – Fiducient Advisors effective January 1, 2022, updated our Investment Policy Statement, and entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with NPH USA to advance our joint efforts in planned giving.
Throughout this work, our investment committee continued to focus on delivering strong market returns, providing excellent direction and guidance which resulted in a return on the portfolio (net of fees) of 18.22% versus a benchmark of 13.15% during the 2021 calendar year.
During this past year, we expanded our board to gain greater capacity and continuity for our work. We are excited to welcome several new members who bring additional expertise in fields of asset management, financial advising, and planned giving, in addition to a deep respect and love for the mission of NPH.
After serving on this board for the past six years, it is now time for me to move on. I could not think of a more capable leader to direct our work going forward than our incoming president, Jack Hansen. Jack brings a wealth of experience to this role, but more importantly, a deep and abiding love for the children of NPH. Jack’s leadership and wisdom—but most of all his amazing heart—will ensure the Fr. Wasson Legacy Endowment continues its strong results in providing for the ongoing work of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos.
Lastly, I hope you might consider supporting the work of the Endowment – and the ongoing work of NPH – by leaving a gift through your will or trust or making an annual contribution to the FWLEI. A gift to the Endowment provides support for the work of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos today as well as the promise of financial stability for generations to come.
On behalf of the Fr. Wasson Legacy Board, and especially the children who we serve across all our NPH homes and programs, I am truly grateful to all who make possible this life-changing work.

Nellie Johnson
President, Fr. Wasson Legacy Endowment
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Prepaids & Other Assets
Total Assets
Net Assets
Without Donor Restrictions
Program Services
Management & General
Investment Income (net)
This financial data is for July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 (fiscal year 2021). It has been extracted from our 2021 FWLEI Audited Financial Statements, which are available upon request.