NPH USA 2021
2021 Recap & Future Focus: The NPH Family is Resilient and Strong
2021 Recap & Future Focus
The NPH Family is Resilient and Strong
First and foremost, NPH fared well this past year because of the support of the NPH Family. In 2021, the NPH children in Latin America and the Caribbean faced tremendous risk from food insecurity, crime, Covid, and ongoing crisis. Yet, thanks to generous donors, we were able to provide for pequeños during some of the worst of times.
NPH USA raised a nearly $16.5 million in donor contributions in 2021, enabling it to fulfill its financial commitment to NPH International. This level of remarkable giving was especially critical in a Covid-19-impacted environment. More than 75% of revenues went directly to program costs.
With continued restrictions on in-person fundraising events and trips, NPH USA nimbly pivoted to virtual events but lost vital opportunities to appeal to new donors. NPH USA was not alone in feeling the pressure of reduced giving as national philanthropic trends also point to drops in the number of active donors.
On the positive side, NPH USA proactively applied for and received a PPE grant which greatly helped sustain NPH USA operations.

Future Forward Focus

For more than 65 years, NPH USA has lived out Fr. Wasson’s dream of making the well-being of children in peril a priority. We gratefully continue to rely upon our community of supporters and enthusiastically welcome new, like-minded and like-hearted people to the NPH mission and “family.”
Going into 2022, NPH USA will focus on the following ambitious areas to help further cultivate and deepen relationships with those seeking to raise up children living in poverty in self-sustaining ways.
“Each of us are special because the children make us special.”
Tania Ortiz, sponsorship coordinator in El Salvador
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Resumed events/trips
In late 2021, we resumed donor trips to Honduras, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador. Trips are a vital, hands-on way to connect existing and prospective donors to our mission and demonstrate the tremendous impact of their contributions.
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Rev. Michael Straley visiting one of his sponsored children, NPH Mexico, November 2021
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Planned Giving
Planned Giving is a simple and timeless way to help care for the children of NPH in an enduring way through your estate plan. NPH USA and the Father Wasson Legacy Endowment, Inc. have begun efforts to encourage supporters to consider leaving legacy gifts through their will or beneficiary designations in order to sustain the vital work of NPH in caring for children now and into the future.
NPH USA is committed to placing a new emphasis on digital technologies and strategies to create engaging content; gain wider exposure to our mission; and improve the online donor experience.
Child Sponsorship is the lifeblood of NPH USA. For decades, Godparents have assumed the role of extended family--providing financial and moral support to pequeños. Monthly commitments are immensely helpful in enabling us to dependably provide for the children. We plan to match donors with diverse opportunities to support children and families in more consistent ways, including monthly support of St. Damien’s Pediatric Hospital.
Our family is truly diverse. NPH pequeños and staff span the globe. Staff work tirelessly at fundraising offices throughout the U.S., Europe, Australasia, and Canada. We continue to be committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through recruitment efforts and the celebration of contributions from every gender, race, and ethnicity.